PHF is comprised of the membership, the members form the annually elected Executive Committee and Chair, and the PHF Secretariat. The Executive Committee and the Country Coordinator are mandated to ensure good governance of the PHF and take decisions, in consultation with the PHF membership, on PHF operations and priorities.
The Secretariat is headed by the Country Coordinator and accountable to the PHF membership, through an elected Executive Committee for delivery of the planned work of PHF.
The work of the PHF is guided by a five-year strategic framework and annual programmes for each PHF service. The Secretariat has dedicated staff supporting the services that PHF delivers: Coordination and Information; Policy and Communications.
The Country Coordinator, Executive Committee and Chair of the Executive Committee are mandated to represent the PHF externally in alignment with PHF positions and priorities.
A General Members Meeting takes place monthly along with regular permanent and ad-hoc thematic coordination working groups’ meetings.
In addition to INGO Coordination meetings conducted by the PHF for members, there are other groups which support coordination and coordination fora. Primarily these are the Government of Pakistan, specifically the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs), the United Nations, specifically the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the National Humanitarian Network (NHN), for national NGO coordination.
PHF was established in 2003 which is now representing 43 International NGOs working in humanitarian & development sectors in Pakistan.
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